For months I've been under the assumption that the gaming industry that I had grown to know and love was, for all intents and purposes, dead and buried in the ground. The de-RPG-afying of Final Fantasy. The rise of peripheral gaming systems like Kinect, PlayStation Move and the Nintendo Wii, which I am physically unable to use. The increased need to have all games come with some type of code that discourages or outright prohibits the resale of games one no longer wishes to have in their collection.
Things were looking very grim indeed.
But then, on a whim while debating possible things I could get with my Christmas money, I decided to check out IGN's Holiday Buyers' Guide. Newsflash: The Nintendo 3DS has finally matured enough in its life circle for Kat to want to buy it.
What the heck am I talking about?
Every game system, or "generation", has a life cycle. These tend to last five to seven years. And different consoles mature at different points during that cycle. (Hell, some never reach this point, or reach it way too late. *Yeah, I'm looking at you PSP!*) What determines this console "maturity" theory, at least for me?
1. Hardware is at a stage where I want to buy it.
2. There is enough software readily available that interests me that I can confidently say that the machine won't be collecting dust.
3. There are enough upcoming games for the console that I won't regret my purchase a year from now.
The Nintendo 3DS has successfully met all three of these requirements. It's time to begin carefully researching a purchase. Read on and I'll share with you why I feel so strongly about wanting this console.
Since I mainly play RPG, Strategy and Puzzle games, being able to see--and in turn make decisions--is vital. Even if the original model of the 3DS had released with six freaking awesome RPGs, my vision issues wouldn't have let me touch it.
Thankfully, with its larger screen, the 3DS XL makes this issue go away. Alas, however, it does not come in the absolutely jaw dropping shade of amethyst purple that was released for the regular 3DS a while ago, and is not likely to be the 3DS model bundled with a new game. Pity.
2: The Games Are Ready To Go!
"But Kat," you're likely saying, "The 3DS XL has been out for months. Why do you want it now?"
In two words? Game selection.
In the past year it seems that the number of games that would interest me on the 3DS has pretty much exploded. I won't buy a new console unless I want it's specific software, and until this round of research the 3DS simply didn't have enough to draw me in. That's definitely not the case now. Here's a quick glimpse of what has my interest, and this doesn't even begin to take into account the fact that the system plays regular DS games and that there are some awesome looking puzzle games (love!) on the eShop.
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IGN Review: 9.0 |
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IGN Review: 8.3 |
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IGN Review: 8.5 |
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IGN Review: 9.0 |
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IGN Review: 8.5 |
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IGN Review: 8.5 |
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IGN Review: 9.5 |
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IGN Review: 8.3 |
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IGN Review: 7 |
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IGN Review: 9.5 |
What For and Why?
Pokemon Conquest: The IGN review says "Fire Emblem meets Pikachu." I'm sold.
Harvest Moon: A New Beginning: Suppose to be good for someone--gasp!--beginning the series. Plus, it is suppose to add a bunch of awesome new features. I figure it'll tide me over until Animal Crossing. Plus--wait for it!--you get to customize your character and the youtube video I looked at was pretty solid.
Mario Kart 7: Looks like a great kart racer and, according to IGN, has the best online integration seen in any Nintendo game ever.
Kingdom Hearts 3DS: Is suppose to be the game that is leading up to the next *actual* kingdom hearts. I like the series, so that alone sells me on it.
Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: FF meets Guitar Hero. Three words here: Oh. My. God.
Kirby Mass Attack: Another stylus based Kirby game? Yes, please. I loved Canvas Curse.
Paper Mario Sticker Star: C'mon, it's Paper Mario. Do I need any more reason then that?
LoZ: Orcarina of Time: Yes, I probably botched the spelling. No, I never played the original. (I hated the N64 controller). Something I should probably correct.
Tales of the Abyss: It's a Tales game. I haven't played it. 'Nuff said.
Mario 3D Land: Been a long time since I played a Mario game. What the hell...Why not?
Pokemon Black: I *think* this is the right one, but it might be white I need? Either way... PokeMao needs to get this so she can trade with Jay and use voice chat on her new system.
3. Looking Toward The Future:
Having good games now isn't enough. For me to decide to purchase a gaming system, there has to be stuff that will be releasing that I am going to be excited to play. Fortunately, the 3DS has me covered and looks ready to have a totally stellar--and Kat Proof--2013 line up. Obviously I don't know everything releasing next year, but I've seen enough key goodies to know that if I buy this, I'll have some great new games to look forward to.
I'm not going to look up images for these, but here's a quick and lazy list:
-- Fire Emblem: Awakening
-- Ace Attorney 5 (more your thing then mine, but still...)
-- Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate
-- Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney
-- Animal Crossing: A New Leaf
-- Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends of the Titan
These are just a quick glance. With an already strong lineup, participating in the evolution of a new console, discovering the games as they arrive, can be equally rewarding.
So, by this point it's probably pretty obvious that I want a Nintendo 3DS. The only decision left to be made is: red or blue?
So, have I lost my mind or potentially found gaming's salvation? Your thoughts are welcome.