Sunday, October 23, 2011

here we go!!

Now I am fiddling with forecolors and backcolors for quote blocks.

Verdana, One Starry Night
Girls Are Weird, Talhoma, One Starry Night
Tangerine, Crimson Roman, Girls are Weird
Tangerine, Crimson Roman, Starry

Original image link can be found here for future purchase:

This is what happens when we add a
caption to an image with this template.

i like pie

yeah, this is silly.


blah blah blah


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

jay sample

Rinne woke to a soft roaring sound. Ugh, my head hurts. Rinne slowly opened her eyes, the light of the room stinging them. She reached her hands up and rubbed them. Damn, all my muscles feel achy too. What the hell happened to me? Rinne looked about the room trying to get her bearings. She was sitting in the middle of a long row of red upholstered seating with another row of seating along the opposite wall. To her left down the aisle between the two rows was a large cargo bay door. To her right though a doorway, Rinne could see what she thought to be a cockpit, and through the cockpit window was a starry night sky. Am I on a shuttle? That roaring sound must be the engines meaning we’re in flight, but how did I get here?

She heard a thud on the roof towards the back by the door. Someone in the cockpit yells back to her “Is that you waking up finally?”

Who the hell is that? I don’t recognize their voice.

A hissing sound can be heard coming from where she heard the thud, as a beam of light cut a hole in the roof.

Someone is trying to break in. Rescue? From what ever mess I got myself in to?

The section of roof came down with a crash. Up in the cockpit a computerized voice echoes down the shuttle. “Auto-pilot engaged” followed by the quick shuffle of someone’s feet.

A man with pointed ears and long brown hair dressed in futuristic grey combat armor jumps down the hole, katana drawn.

Rescue, no. He looks more like he’s here kill someone. Oh crap, what should I do? If the shuttle is in flight there is nowhere to run. I’ll act like I’m still knocked out for now, and hopefully he leaves me be. Rinne closed her eyes, leaving one open just enough to see.

He began walking up the aisle. “We know you took the shard Electra, now make it easy on yourself and cough it up.”

“Not a chance” the blonde haired girl from the cockpit yelled as she pivoted around the corner of the cockpit doorway and fired 3 slugs from her handgun at him.

Almost like magic the bullets whizzed around him, striking the walls. One narrowly missed Rinne.

Rinne fought to hold back a scream. Oh, this is not good. What the hell is this guy? I’m going to get myself killed if I stay on this shuttle any longer.

“You should be more careful with that thing.” The man turned to look at Rinne. “Your liable to hit your little friend here.”

“Damn, bullet shield” Electra said as he began to charge at her.

He swung his sword at her as she quickly dodged to the side, his sword striking one of the cockpit control panels in a bright flash of sparks.

Electra used the opportunity to deliver a quick kick knocking him in to the co-pilots chair. She then ran out of the cockpit grabbing a fire extinguisher as she passed it.

Ok, the door in the back is probably my only chance at escape. Hopefully it’s not to high to jump.

Rinne ran to the back of the shuttle and pulled the lever labeled door. The door slowly lowered down in to a ramp. Rinne walked out onto the ramp and looked down over the side. Rinne couldn’t see anything but the moonlight reflecting off the ocean hundreds of feet below.
There’s no way I’ll survive a fall that far with out a parachute or something and even then how would I get to land. There no telling how far I’d have to swim. Out of options, Rinne stepped back into the shuttle.

Electra had set herself up around the corner just outside the cockpit door and swung the fire extinguisher at the mans face as he entered the passenger area.

He blocked the attack with his sword, breaking the canister open causing it’s contents to spray out with such force that it went flying about the shuttle, into cockpit and knocked into the shuttle controls.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Book Trailers: Contemporary

Anna and the French Kiss



Perfect Chemistry



Twenty Boy Summer:



The Sky Is Everywhere



Book Trailers: Dystopian


Book Trailer:

Book Review:


Book Trailer:



Review (Doesn't have a trailer)







Tuesday, April 5, 2011

PS3 User Agreement TOS (newest patch)

-- Sony has gained court sanction to sue any individuals who have visited the website of one "GeoHot"

-- Within the terms of the EULA you are not the owner of your physical console, rather you are "renting" it from SCEA.

-- All warranty issues regarding service interruption caused by SCEA is null and void. This includes but is not limited to: the system suffering "YLOD", the system not turning on or not connecting online, etc.

-- SCEA reserves the right to ban you from PSN and / or "brick" (make physically and wholely unusable) your console at its sole determining if it feels that you have in any way violated the EULA.

-- SCEA is not responsible for the quality of game patch updates or for their specific timing. Pressuring SCEA in regards to this via its customer service interface can result in being banned from PSN if the incident is viewed as disruptive.

-- SCEA reserves the right to ban any user or brick any PlayStation 3 console it deems necessary to preserve the safety of its clienelle and furthermore, reserves the right to do this without any forwarning or post-action communication with the offending individual(s).

-- If you do not agree to the EULA your PSN account will be deleted and all items, funds, etc. within shall become the legal property of SCEA. Aggressive attempts to alter this can and will be viewed as harrassment and can and will be met with the bricking of your console.

These were found on the internet and are not the word for word verbatim of the actual SCEA EULA. I am not responsible for any errors that might be present in the above information. Still ... Better safe then sorry.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Glossary (V - Z)

Veil (the):

A barrier that exists between worlds, the Veil is the mystic force that the people of Zynedia managed to breach in order to flee their world and seek sanctuary on Earth. Once a breach has happened, however, it takes time to heal. Because of this the Atheronians were not able to trap the Kye and their sworn enemies also managed to make an escape.

The Veil is also the threshold that people cross when they dream, or when spirits wish to communicate with the living. If The Weave is magic harnessed by peoples' will, the Veil is the paper thin yet hard as diamonds barrier that allows various worlds to function under varying magical properties. It is The Gods way of keeping a semblance of order within a vast universe and it generally is more willing to bend to a caress then to a crushing blow.


Water Magic:

Those born between December and February, or whose astrological sign lines up in one of the three traditional air signs (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces) have a tendency to be able to use water magic either as their primary form of spell casting or in conjunction with their primary spell casting focus.

Water Magic is ruled by the soul, and as such is deeply connected to psychic arts (along with its counterpart, Air Magic.) Water Magic focuses on spiritual matters. Those proficient in it can end up as priests or priestesses, teachers, judges and frost warriors. It is also Water Mages who are natural born Sealers, which can lead to the more aquatically inclined being both feared and revered within Kindred society.

Like Air Magic, Water Magic is represented by Silver and is related to the worship of Ruby, Goddess of the Moon. The current Lady of Water is Carita Veradayne, who is also the leader of the Guardians. She sits in proxy for her son, Kesyl, who is destined to sit across from Fire Lord Azaka Einlazer. Water Magic rules Fire Magic and answers to Earth Magic


Weave (the):

An invisible link between Kindred which allows them to unite their magical powers for greater and more varied effects. Through the Weave they are able to blend different elements, strengthen a spell, keep a spell from exhausting a single caster by sharing the focus between more then one person, etc. The larger a spell that is cast, the greater a ripple that it will send through the Weave. This ensures that magic is not used for evil purposes.

Certain people can tap deeper into the Weave, including the prophets, the Lords & Ladies and Guardians. These people also often have the ability to shield their work, ensuring that it does not ripple and terrify normal Kindred with its overwhelming power. In exchange for this tremendous strength, these people are either the pillars that hold up The Weave or the warriors who protect them. In the case of Guardians (as protectors) their ability to tap into tremendous magical strength is tied into their bond with the one that they protect.

Glossary (Q - U)


Sealers walk a thin line between being a very spirit focused user of Water Magic and being at high risk of becoming a Necromancer. Sealers deal with souls in many different ways. This can be as "simple" as healing the pain of others, to more dangerous and drastic things, such as interrogating an enemy's spirit for information or sealing away someone's powers by blocking their ability to use the Weave (the thing for which they are named.)

Generally feared more then revered, being a Sealer is often a disheartening and lonely lot in life. They are often forced to seal their own power and release it in increments as they learn to master it. They are also prone to bullying growing up from peers who are mistakenly jealous of their gifts or fearful of having something they have done be discovered. Society expects a lot and gives back very little to these individuals, who must give of themselves completely if they are to master their gifts without giving in to the desire to become a Master rather then to serve their fellow Kindred.

Triad Mage:

It is fairly common for a Kindred to be able to control magic within two elements decently well. It is not all that rare to find a Kindred whose natural gifts are all stacked in one element, as well. The rarest set of gifts by far come from those who are blessed to have strength from three elements. All Kindred are blessed by one element depending on the season of their birth and the month within that season on which it lands.

JAN: Water / Earth, FEB: Water / Air, MAR: Air / Water, APR: Air / Fire, MAY: Air / Earth, JUNE: Fire / Air, JULY: Fire / Water, AUG: Fire / Fire, SEPT: Earth / Earth, OCT: Earth / Air, NOV: Earth / Water, DEC: Water / Fire.

A Triad Mage can cast from a third school of magic. This additional element under their command generally comes out when either they or a loved one is in grave peril and once it has made itself known great care must be taken to ensure that the Kindred learns to sharpen and hone the skill so that it will not end up happening whenever things get stressful. The additional element is normally the last of the three that are not the Kindred's blindspot or 'answering' element (see the elements descriptions for more on this) but such has happened before. Notable Triad Mages include Kaye Delainey and Eleyna Farrow.

Trial of Transformation:

The "final exam" for someone who wants to become fully Kindred and gain the full strength of being Antianos. This is a dangerous rite that most people do not choose to undergo. Unlike people who are simply Awakened and Chosen, people who undergo the Trial are making an all or nothing decision: they will either survive and become full Kindred, or they will die and forfeit their soul to Sealer who is testing them.

The test is made up of four components, each relating to one of the four elements. These are: courage (for fire), wisdom (for air), strength (for earth) and compassion (for water). Passing the Trial is manditory for all Sworn and (most importantly) Soul Bound Guardians. Those who are in any way brought into a royal family or who are marked as a Prophet are also expected to undergo the Trial.

Like most rituals undertaken by the Kindred, the Trial of Triumph is done while in a dreamlike state where the spirit leaves the body. The reason that so many Kindred rites are done this way is because the quality of the spirit is what ultimately matters within their society, rather then one's physical strength or appearance. To Kindred, both of these can be altered from within.

Glossary (L - P)

Lord / Lady of (Element): 

The Lord or Lady of a given element is that element's representative on the Council of Seven. This person is generally very closely tied to either Ruby or Darius and in some instances, even has a certain amount of divine blood. This enhances their abilities, ensuring that the balance of the Weave is kept and that no one element completely overpowers the others.

The Lords and Ladies are also often viewed as royalty to the Kindred. Their powers are passed through bloodlines the way that someone might inherit a place within a monarchy. Unlike human monarchies throughout history, however, Atheronian ones are very careful to ensure that they continuously add fresh blood to make certain that the seats of the four elements do not become stagnant or corrupted.

While there is generally only one specific Lord or Lady of each element at a given time, anyone within the royal families is generally known as a lord or lady of a varying title, for instance: "of the flame" for one of fire, "of storms" for water, etc.



There are three prophets o the Council of Seven, each representing a portion of time divided among past, present and future. Every bit as important to the Council as the Lords and Ladies and every bit (or possible even moreso) tied to the Gods, the Prophets strive to do everything in their power to see that the Kindred succeed.

Prophets go through rigorous training and a very dangerous initiation that will give them their heart's desire but also force them to sacrifice something that the Gods feel will make them a better Prophet overall. Prophets have traditionally been older Kindred but in light of the destruction of Zynedia and the need to restructure the Council this has had to be put aside in the name of survival. The newest Prophet, Echo, is only 27 and the latest Prophet in training, Isabelle, is only 18.



This is what happens when Water Magic goes bad. Necromancers have the ability to use water to control weather and the power of the sea, but most focus their strengths to mastering the art of manipulating, enslaving and possessing souls. They can do many things with a soul, including disguising themselves as any soul they have consumed, forcing that soul to fight for them, or using the more spiritual side of Water Magic to sever someone's connection to the Weave, leaving them either defenseless or with no choice but to join the Kye.

Glossary (G - K)


The term Guardian is used to identify any warrior who has been trained to fight and serve the Atheronian Council of Seven. More specifically there are those who simply carry the title Guardian and who serve the Council in a more general sense, and then there are Sworn Guardians who serve a particular sub-section of the Council, such as its actual military, as bodyguards for important persons such as dignitaries, judges, priests, etc.

Above even these are the Soul Bound Guardians. These are the people who have an actual spiritual link that allows them to protect a specific individual. Soul Bound Guardians undergo extreme levels of training, as well as completing a ritual that binds their soul to that of the person they have sworn to protect. As the name might imply, the duty of a Soul Bound Guardian is to ensure both the physical and mental / spiritual / emotional well being of the one they protect. It is not unheard of for a Soul Bound Guardian to eventually become romantically involved with the one they are bound to, which is one of the reasons that binding often happens young and that both men and women are both trained equally as Guardians in general.



The name that the Zynedian race as a whole has taken to calling itself. There are some humans who associate the term Kindred with vampire mythology, and it is true that the process of Awakening another species does involve a blood ritual. However, Zynedians and thus "Kindred" are not undead, nor do they avoid the sun. (In fact, depending on their birth alignment, it strengthens some of them...) Rather, the Atheronian Council chose the name Kindred because of the emotional and spiritual connectivity that governs their magic, namely the Weave.


Kye (the):

Exiled from the Atheronian Council (or having left it by choice) a Kindred generally chooses to become a member of the Kye. Kye is the Zynedian word for "self" and the idea behind the gathered individuals is to protect each other while working toward their own distinct goals. As can likely be imagined, this does not always work so great. Having been stripped of their connection to the Weave, members of the Kye have made a pact with the gods of the Underworld, (generally referred to as demons by the Council) and use Blood Magic to achieve their goals, sacrificing the very essence of life to gain power from their dark patrons.

Currently lead by the Master Corruptor Trevor Kalen, the Kye do not simply want to live on Earth, they feel they should rule it. Viewing humans as little more then sheep to be bled dry on their alters, their agressive attacks have caused some to become suspicious of Kindred as a whole. Unknown to the Kye, they are really the pawns of the death god *Insert Name Here!!!* who is trying to find the son that he and Ruby created. He becomes very interested in Sarena as well when he discovers that Kesyl has given her demon blood. He has advised the Kye to kidnap Jayden to find the Prince of Storms so that they can create a true Weave for their people, but in truth he is looking for Kesyl to groom him as the next ruler of the Underworld.

Glossary (A - F)

Air Magic: 

Those born between March and May, or whose astrological sign lines up in one of the three traditional air signs (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) have a tendency to be able to use air magic either as their primary form of spell casting or in conjunction with their primary spell casting focus.

Air Magic is ruled by the mind, and as such is deeply connected to psychic arts (along with its counterpart, Water Magic.) Air Magic also focuses on controlling time, space, gravity and certain weather effects. (Certain storms, hurricanes and tornadoes, etc.)

Like Water Magic, Air Magic is represented by Silver and is related to the worship of Ruby, Goddess of the Moon. The current Lady of Air is Kaye Delainey, who is also headmistress of Hycanth House. Air Magic rules Earth Magic and answers to Fire Magic



The state of being 'unaging' or 'immortal'. A person who is Awakened and Chosen is made Antianos when they complete the Trial of Transformation. Without a connection to the Weave, one who was Antianos must continue to extend their lifespan and maintain their youth through the practice of Blood Magic. That is why Zynedians are often confused with Vampires and how the Atheronians ended up deciding to go with it and be called Kindred to remove confusion.


Atheron / Atheronian:

A legal citizen of the planet Zynedia, who has undergone the Trial of Transformation and become a full carrier of Antianos. Atheronians are often called 'Kindred' by humans since it is less of a mouthful. An Atheronian gets his or her powers through their connection to the Weave, the mystical energy source that is sustained through the powers of the Council of Seven. Many people confuse the idea that Atheronians are a race, rather then a subculture of the overall Zynedian race. Their alternate subculture and sworn enemies are The Kye.



Awakening is the process of giving Zynedian blood to a non-Zynedian host in hopes of having the Gods brand the individual as being Chosen. The Ritual tends to be done at night when the person is sleeping since the natural psychic defenses of most species are lowered while they are dreaming -- in short, it is easier to aid them in gaining a connection to the Weave. It is most common for the Zynedians to perform this ritual on older children or teenagers so that they can undergo proper training to pass the Trial of Transformation. While a Zynedian can attempt to Awaken anyone, potentially, the ultimate choice in whether or not to become Antianos resides with the person. If someone does not want the Gift, it can be removed by a Sealer.


Chosen / "to be Chosen":

Once someone is Awakened, the next step is for that person to become Chosen. In order for this to happen, the Gods (or more specifically the appropriate deity for that person's elemental alignment) must accept the candidate. The person who has been given the opportunity to attempt becoming Antianos must also declare their willingness to proceed with the training involved. At this stage the process can be halted by a Sealer if the candidate rejects the offer and that person will be able to finish out living their normal life.


Council of Seven:

The ruling body of the Atheronian / "Kindred". The Council is made up of the Lord or Lady of each element, as well as three prophets known as the Trinity, who work somewhat akin to Greek Mythology's three fates, minus the whole spinning wheel analogy. Instead, each of these has dominion over either Past, Present, or Future. They serve the council by being able to retrieve knowledge, allow insight into currently transpiring events, or as warnings to potential outcomes of major decisions. The balance between power and knowledge is what allows the Weave to flow properly. If a position within the Council is left vacant, or if the person in that position cannot do their role properly, the entirity of Atheronian / Kindred society would suffer greatly and the flow of their powers would be corrupted, severely damaged or completely lost. (That would depend on which role(s) were having issues.)


Dark Prophets:


Earth Magic:

Those born between September and November, or whose astrological sign lines up in one of the three traditional earth signs (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) have a tendency to be able to use earth magic either as their primary form of spell casting or in conjunction with their primary spell casting focus.

Earth Magic is ruled by the body, and as such is deeply connected to healing arts (the opposite of its counterpart, Fire Magic.) Earth Magic also focuses on controlling or working with nature, altering the appearance of things, and protection and provision of the harvest. Although generally a more practical school of magic, earth mages can use plants and animals, as well as tremors or full out earthquakes, to strike their enemies. It might be easy to invision Earth Magic as being capable of causing illness since it can also heal, but that is instead the domain of corrupted Air Magic.

Like Fire Magic, Earth Magic is represented by Gold and is related to the worship of Darius, God of the Sun. The current Lady of Earth is Eleyna Farrow, who is also a lore mistress and the teacher of Zynedian History and Traditions at Hycanth House. Earth Magic rules Water Magic and answers to Air Magic. 


Fire Magic:

Those born between June and August, or whose astrological sign lines up in one of the three traditional fire signs (Aries, Leo and Sagitarius) have a tendency to be able to use fire magic either as their primary form of spell casting or in conjunction with their primary spell casting focus.

Fire Magic is ruled by the emotions, and as such is deeply passionate and potentially volatile (much unlike its counterpart, Earth Magic.) Fire Magic tends to be the primary militant magic, as it is often used in the forging of weapons and armor, the application of sigils, signs and runes and the creation of offensive tonics and powders. On the other hand, it can also be used to heighten the senses so that something emotionally stimulating is further enhanced, such as a musical performance. Fire Mages tend to be performers of great excellence. 

Like Earth Magic, Fire Magic is represented by Gold and is related to the worship of Darius, God of the Sun. The current Lord of Fire is Azaka Einlazer, who is also the leader of the High Council.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Song Lyrics (RANDOM!)

There's no point of gettin' into a fight,
There ain't no way to play the cards right
I'm damned if I will and I'm damned if I won't,
I'm damned if I do and I'm damned if I don't,
It really doesn't matter who's wrong or who's right,
If I leave you this morning I'll just miss you by tonight.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Who was the father?!

Yes, this post is actually about paternity issues. I'm starting to feel like I am watching endless loops of the Murray Povitch show. Scary.

Anyway, on to the matter at hand. We have two characters for whom I am not sure who the father is:

A) Kesyl.

We know that Ruby, the moon goddess, is his mother (even if he does not). We know that Ruby gave him to Carita to raise. (Why?) We know that Darius fears his powers. (Is this a Zeus - Athena issue or another problem?)

I still have not decided whether Ruby and Darius are husband / wife, brother / sister, or both (a la Hera and Zeus in Greek myth.) Depending on what demographic I am actually writing this book for, that decision becomes easier. But the ramifications of each choice are very different.

If Darius is Kesyl's father, we need to figure out why Kess was sent to Carita at all. Was it to make him a more empathic and hands-on deity? Was it because they knew Zynedia was in grave peril and direct divine intervention was absolutely necessary? Was Kesyl already an adult or adolescent God with Darius sending him to be raised on the world that is to worship him as punishment for some wrong doing? Did he get sent there from pure jealousy on Darius part? Has he been sent to find his Goddess?

On the other hand, if Darius is *not* the father, it is far more likely that either Darius banished him out of jealousy or anger, or that Ruby sent him away herself out of fear of Darius' reaction. This, of course, raises the issue of why Darius would react negatively. My guess would be that either Ruby had an affair (yawn, female Zeus / Heracles rehash) or that her pregnancy was due to relations with someone questionable, with or without her consent. (Another issue in and of itself.)

In this latter circumstance, the likelyhood is that Ruby slept with or was raped by the god of darkness who is now assisting Trevor Kalen. I feel that this would make for solid storytelling because the two allies would actually be watching their respective sons compete for Sarena. It would also further stress the choice that Sarena has to make both on a large scale and small scale level regarding immortality. "I want to be normal." is only as good was whatever actually constitutes "normal" within ones own life. Mansion, house or trailer park? All depends on your perspective and what end the glass is going from.

B) Amelia

Is she really Nick's full sister, or is she his half sister? If its the former why is there so much animosity between the two? Can they be brought together? If not, who is actually Amy's father? Does the lack of a paternal figure bother her as much as it has clearly bothered Nick? Does their shared (or not) paternity effect Eleyna's view of them? (She generally treats Amy very different then Nick, whom she has never even actually admitted she is the mother of. He thinks he is adopted, as does everyone else.)

If Trevor is Amelia's father, does he know? Does he care? How would Amy react if she were to find out? How would Nick react and how would it effect him? How would Sara and Kess take the news? Which parent would Amy side with (or would she tell them both to go fuck themselves)?

If someone else is Amy's father, who is he and where is he now? Why is he not present in her life? Or is he present and she simply does not know who he really is? (Eleyna seems to be good at that.) Why did the relationship between him and Eleyna go sour? Does he know he has a daughter?

Friday, March 11, 2011

Trevor Kalen

Basic Information:
  • Name: Trevor Kalen
  • Race: Kindred
  • Age: 50
  • Hair Color: As a young man his hair was brown. He allows it to appear silver to signify the wisdom that he believes that he possesses. 
  • Eye Color: Hazel
  • Height: 5 ft. 11"
  • Birthday: December 27th (Sign: Capricorn)
  • Title(s) (If any): Great Betrayer, Corruptor (by the Council), Dark King (by the Kye). 

Azrael, the Plague Bringer

Basic Information:
  • Name: Azrael
  • Race: Lich / Demon / Something bad (work in progress)
  • Age: ???
  • Hair Color: Black and entwined with bolts of purple energy / lightning. 
  • Eye Color: Red
  • Height: 6 ft. 
  • Birthday: ??? (His powers dictate, from study, that he is of Air, however.)
  • Title(s) (If any): Plague Bringer

Echo Kharrol

Basic Information:
  • Name: Echo Raine Kharrol
  • Race: Kindred
  • Age: 28 (Appearance: 17. It is not normal for a Kindred to retain the appearance of a child / adolescent, but Echo is an exception because that wish her wish during her Ritual of Sight.)
  • Hair Color: Cherry Blossom Pink. She tends to wear it in long wavy spirals.
  • Eye Color: Scarlet Red
  • Height: 5 ft. 2"
  • Birthday: June 24th (Sign: Cancer)
  • Title(s) (If any): Prophet(ess), Moon's Shadow (relates to the price paid within her Ritual of Sight, which was the fact that her skin was turned to the color of stone because the Gods chose to punish her for vanity / pride.)  

Eleyna Farrow

Basic Information:
  • Name: Eleyna Gwendolyn Farrow
  • Race: Kindred
  • Age: 42 (Appearance: 30 -- its by choice, she wants to look "mature".)
  • Hair Color: Raven Black. Although she keeps it long she generally wears it up in public to preserve her image. 
  • Eye Color: Steel Gray
  • Height: 5 ft. 6"
  • Birthday: September 9th (Sign: Virgo)
  • Title(s) (If any): Lady of Earth, Lore Keeper. She is marked with a sigil of the Justicar for her part in the binding of her former fiance, Trevor Kalen. She does not like being called Justicar though. 

Kaye Delainey

Basic Information:
  • Name: Kaye Alberta Delainey
  • Race: Kindred
  • Age: 35
  • Hair Color: Bright red regardless of season. She wears it long and is fond of using her affinity for the wind to have it cascade around her. 
  • Eye Color: Emerald Green
  • Height: 5 ft. 8"
  • Birthday: February 16th (Aquarius)
  • Title(s) (If any): Triad Sorceress; Lady of Air, Head Mistress of Hycanth House, Word of the Council.  

Azaka Einlazer

Basic Information:
  • Name: Azaka Einlazer
  • Race: Kindred
  • Age: 45 (Appearance: 25)
  • Hair Color: Blue-Black. Traditionally he wears it long, although he has been known to take advantage of the services of a Glamourist to be able to have it short now and then.)
  • Eye Color: Black
  • Height: 6 ft. 3"
  • Birthday: August 10th (Sign: Leo)
  • Title(s) (If any): Lord of Flames, Leader of the Seven. 

Carita Veradayne

Basic Information:
  • Name: Carita Veradayne
  • Race: Kindred
  • Age: 39 (Appearance: 25)
  • Hair Color: Bright electric blue. She tends to wear it straight, either long or in a ponytail depending on the situation.
  • Eye Color: Silver
  • Height: 5 ft. 6"
  • Birthday: Februay 27th (Sign: Pisces)
  • Title(s) (If any): Guardian -- specifically Ember Knight (Guardian of the Lord of Flames, Azaka)


Basic Information:
  • Name: Gregori
  • Race: Human (Awakened)
  • Age: 19
  • Hair Color: Dark blonde. He tends to wear it in a simple to manage style 
  • Eye Color: Light blue
  • Height: 5 ft. 8"
  • Birthday: May 3rd (Sign: Taurus)
  • Title(s) (If any): Class Elect (like class president at a normal school. Jayden and Kess let him have this because they are his friends and they knew he wanted it. Its been going sour due to circumstances that happened over the summer, however. *His parents were murdered.*)

Nicholas Kalen

Basic Information:
  • Name: Nicholas Gabriel Kalen
  • Race: Kindred
  • Age: 21
  • Hair Color: Dark brown. He wears it semi-longish (no brush cuts here.) but tends to keep it relatively neat and simple. 
  • Eye Color: Cobalt Blue
  • Height: 5 ft. 11"
  • Birthday: January 17th (Sign: Capricorn)
  • Title(s) (If any): Blood Prince (He becomes Trevor's heir when the two are reunited.) 

Isabelle McChella

Basic Information:
  • Name: Isabelle Viola McChella
  • Race: Human (Awakened)
  • Age: 20
  • Hair Color: Medium blonde. She tends to prefer wearing it long and straight. It is her pride & joy. She is not afraid to wear it up if that will be advantageous, though.
  • Eye Color: Jade green.
  • Height: 5 ft. 9"
  • Birthday: March 13th (Sign: Pisces)
  • Title(s) (If any): Apprentice (She studies to become a prophetess with Echo.) 

Jayden Lengton

Basic Information:
  • Name: Jayden Alexander Lengton
  • Race: Human (Awakened)
  • Age: 19
  • Hair Color: Red, short but spikey and deliberately messy. (Read: dolled up to look messed up. He spends more time in the bathroom then Sara and Amy combined.) 
  • Eye Color: Ocean Blue
  • Height: 6 ft. 3"
  • Birthday: April 14th (Sign: Aries)
  • Title(s) (If any): Guardian -- specifically Holly Knight; also Lore of Flames (meaning he is being trained to be Lord if anything were to happen to Azaka.) 

Amy Farrow

Basic Information:
  • Name: Amelia Penelope Farrow
  • Race: Kindred
  • Age: 18
  • Hair Color: Dark black. She often chooses to highlight her hair with purple or dark blue streaks. As a powerful descendant of Earth she has the ability to make her hair grow at will, so she wears it long or short as she desires.
  • Eye Color: Dark Gray, almost black.
  • Height: 5 ft. 3"
  • Birthday: August 28th (Sign: Virgo)
  • Title(s) (If any): Life-Singer. (She heals via music; she is very powerful.)

Kesyl Veradayne

Basic Information:
  • Name: Kesyl Veradayne
  • Race: Kindred
  • Age: 18
  • Hair Color: Pale to light blonde. Can turn a silvery color if he allows his power as a Sealer to be brought forth, however. 
  • Eye Color: Electric Blue
  • Height: 6 ft. 
  • Birthday: November 11th (Sign: Scorpio)
  • Title(s) (If any): Sealer, Lord of Water, Moon Prince. 

Sarena Lengton

Basic Information:
  • Name: Sarena Avelene Lengton
  • Race: Human
  • Age: 17
  • Hair Color: Red (can be more blonde red or brown red depending on time of year)
  • Eye Color: Originally: Chocolate brown. After Awakening: Chemeleon (they change with her mood)
  • Height: 5 ft 4"
  • Birthday: May 28th (Sign: Gemini) 
  • Title(s) (If any): Guardian -- specifically she is a Holly Knight


Here is a listing of the characters from Chronicles of the Holly Knight, complete with links to their individual pages on the site. Enjoy!

Sarena Lengton -- Jayden's sister. She takes his place as Kesyl's Guardian when he is kidnapped by Trevor Kalen of The Kye. She uses a combination of martial arts and dual daggers with poisons. Unknown to her, she was awakened by Kesyl, meaning that she possesses Sealer blood.

Kesyl -- A Godling (although he does not know this) who is the son of Ruby and Darius. Kesyl is known to possess the powers of a Sealer, a vital but feared part of Kindred society. He is capable of draining others of their powers and, if he desires, their very souls. He has a Guardian to keep his powers in check, although publicly it is believed this person is their to protect him physically, much like a celebrity with a bodyguard.

Amy Farrow -- Sarena's roommate at Hycanth House and Kesyl's closest friend since childhood. Like Kesyl, Amy left her homeworld when it was about to be destroyed. A devout follower of her element, Earth, Amy has dedicated her life to perfecting the art of healing. Something at which she greatly excels. She is secretly smitten with Jayden.

Jayden Lengton -- Sarena's brother and Kesyl's original Guardian. Jayden has a reputation at Hycanth House for being two things: a rebel and a ladies' man. Due to his notoriety people assume that Sarena is going to be trouble from word go. Jayden fights with a single lightweight blade. He is also known to like gadgets such as smoke grenades and combat boots with cleated bottoms that can inject an enemy with poison, a tranquilizer, truth syrum, etc.

Isabelle McChella -- Self-proclaimed 'first lady' of Hycanth House, Isabelle is a senior and next to Zynedian born people like Kesyl and Amy has the most experience with magic and Kindred society. She is Jayden Lengton's girlfriend but has set her sights on Nicholas Kalen since Jayden's kidnapping after discovering that he is the heir to the leadership of The Kye. Isabelle has no regard for rules or regulations unless they will benefit her and will stop at nothing to keep others from getting in her way.

Nicholas Kalen -- A Zynedian-born of Earth decent, no one is quite sure who his parents or immediate family are. He was raised alongside Amy by Eleyna Farrow but always felt that he was lesser then Amy and unwanted overall despite his younger "sibling's" attempts at friendship. Eventually he is contacted by his birth father, Trevor Kalen, and is told of his true heritage. Nicholas is eager to prove himself worthy and hopes to use his position to win Sarena, who has managed to intrigue him.

Gregori -- Originally of human decent, Gregori has been awakened for two years. Last summer he suffered the loss of his parents to a Necromancer attack and he has not been the same since. Once a close friend of Kesyl and Jayden he has shunned all who are or who defend those of Sealer blood. Yet he has taken great care to keep his feelings private and has maintained his training as a Guardian, awaiting his chance to kill the Moon Prince and claim a Sealer's powers for his own. Can they truly raise the dead...?

Carita Veradayne -- A Zynedian-born of Water decent, Carita is the current Guardians Instructor at Hycanth House. She is a master with a sword and shield and can use some basic healing magic. She is the Guardian of Azaka Einlazer, the Lord of Fire. She is also his wife. Though fun-loving and whimsical, Carita takes her role, both as a Guardian and an Instructor, seriously. She believed in Jayden and believes equally in Sarena. She loves Kesyl like a son and has viewed raising him as the highest honour that her goddess, Ruby, could have ever bestowed.

Azaka Einlazer -- Although he is more serious and stern then his wife, Azaka is overall a good man and strong leader. Although he wields great power as the Lord of Fire he tends to use it only as a last resort due to its potentially destructive nature. Azaka has a complex relationship with Kesyl and with Jayden; the former due to the fact that he will become the Lord of Water (to whom Azaka will be accountable) and the latter because Azaka feels he would have great potential if he would get his act together.

Kaye Delainey -- Head Mistress of Hycanth House, Kaye is a Zynedian-born of Air decent, but is actually classified as a Triad Mage since she can access some magics attuned to Earth and Water. An extremely powerful sorceress who has dedicated her life to mastering the magics of space and time, it was Kaye who discovered the rip within the veil that allowed the Zynedians to escape their planet's destruction. Kaye is also the current Lady of Air and is both well liked and deeply respected by both Kindred and humans since she was the one who negotiated with multiple world governments to secure a place for her people in their new world.

Eleyna Farrow -- A Zynedian-born historian of Earth decent, Eleyna does everything in her power to preserve the way of life known and cherished by Zynedians for countless milennia as they adjust to their new home on Earth -- whether they want to keep those traditions or not. She also takes great pride and pleasure in teaching those being awakened the greatness of the society they are entering. She has high expectations of her daughter, Amy. She keeps a watchful eye on her son Nicholas, knowing that if he learns the truth of his birthright there could be dire consequences indeed...

Echo Kharrol -- One of the three prophets that sit as part of the Council of Seven. Echo was chosen to become part of the council directly after the transfer to Earth. In her ritual to gain the sight her skin was turned gray because it was determined that her greatest weakness was vanity. Echo has begun to work with Isabelle, who has been called to become a prophet as well. Despite Isabelle's attitude, Echo sympathizes with her and is determined to do everything in her power to ensure that she is ready for the ritual when it happens.

Azrael the Plague Bringer -- One of Trevor's four Generals, Azrael uses corrupted Air magic to spread plagues across the land. Through the use of his foul magic he has managed to pass an illness to Azaka Einlazer that has warped the Atheronian leader so that he is able to be "persuaded". This is how Jayden was captured and why Azaka continues to put off efforts to search for him. By corrupting Azaka and taking Jayden, Azrael seeks to weaken the Council of Seven and tear the Weave, crippling the natural powers of the Kindred in the process.

Trevor Kalen -- Once the Lord of Earth, Trevor Kalen watched as the Atheronian Council of Seven ran his home planet of Zynedia into the ground. Having given multiple unheaded warnings, he eventually denounced his title, took those who would listen, and separated from the formal government of his home planet. In retaliation the remaining members of the Council bound their powers together to sever his connection to the Weave, stripping him of the ability to use magic. When his fiancee, Eleyna, betrayed him to complete the ritual he turned to the dark god (NEEDS A NAME) who taught him to harness the power within his own blood to fullfill his destiny.